How Can I Effectively Screen and Monitor My Healthcare Facility?
A reliable self-screening and monitoring tool is crucial for effectively assessing risk, which is where the DrOwl screening app comes in. Our app can be downloaded to a variety of mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets. Upon entering a medical facility, a person is asked a series of questions to determine their coronavirus risk. The information provided during the screening process is saved so it can be accessed later. This is essential for tracking those who’ve been exposed.
Upon downloading this free symptom screening app, you’ll have access to pre-written screening questions relating to symptoms, travel, exposure, etc. You can also develop your own questions to suit your specific facility or clinic. The app is simple and easy to use, which ensures all visitors and staff can effectively self-screen before entering a building.
What Should I Do Next?
If you believe your medical facility deserves a reliable screening and monitoring process, which can be conveniently performed via any mobile device, please
contact us today. We’ll explain how you can set up an account to get started.