How do I sign-up my school or organization for a DrOwl account?
To sign-up your school or organization for a DrOwl account, go to and follow the directions.
Once you have the confirmation code, enter it into the confirmation code box, and then click the green “submit” button to finish the process of signing up.
Can I sign up all of the schools in my school district at the same time for DrOwl?
Yes, you can. DrOwl makes it easy for you to sign up all of the schools in your district all at once. To contact us, click the link below and fill out the form.
We’ll be in contact with you as soon as possible to help get you started!
How do I log in to the administrative interface DrOwl’s check-in tool?
To log in, go to
How do I customize my company or school profile screening questions?
When you are logged in you will see all of your customizable menu options on the DrOwl check-in homepage.
To customize your screening questions, go to the menu
on the left-hand side, and choose “question settings”.
You will then see a list of the standard questions to help get you started in keeping your community safer. The goal of these questions is to screen for symptoms and history of COVID-19 exposure.
To add a new question:
you are done.
It’s important to note that some of the question types are informational only, while others are questions that can change whether or not they are allowed into your facility.
Here are the steps for the different types of questions that you can add.
To add “yes or no” questions, select that type of question.
To add “multiple choice question with a single answer”, select that type of question.
To add “fill in text answer question”, select that type of question. It’s important to note that this type of question is informational only and can’t be used to validate entry.
How do I remove a screening question?
To remove a question:
Where can I find my visitor’s activity log?
To find your visitor’s activity log, go to the menu on the left-hand side, and choose “visitors info”.
This will bring up the visitor details for everyone who has checked into your facility, including their name, contact, type of visitor, visit time, and check-in status.
If you click on their check-in status you will see how they answered each of your screener questions.
If they received a “no entry” status when they checked in, it’s an easy way to see which question(s) caused them to be denied entry into your facility.
Where can I generate a QR code for my facility?
To generate a QR code for your facility, go to the menu on the left-hand side, and choose “generate QR code”. This will generate a secure QR code that can be shared via email or text as needed.
We also recommend that you print out a copy of the QR code and put it on the door to the facility entrances with a note asking staff and visitors to check-in. That way it’s quick and easy for them to start answering the DrOwl screening questions.
Where can I logout of the DrOwl check-in tool?
To logout, go to the menu on the left-hand side and choose “logout”.
How do I sign-up for a DrOwl account?
To sign-up for a DrOwl account, go to the iOS or Google Play stores and download DrOwl. Look for the DrOwl icon below.
Click on one of the links below to download either the iOS or Android DrOwl app and get started.
Do parents need to make an account for each of their children?
No! As a parent/guardian, they will only create one account for themselves and then add in all of their children as “dependents.” They will then be able to use one login for the whole family. See more info on how to do this below.
How do I create an individual DrOwl account for myself once I’ve downloaded the DrOwl app?
To create an account for yourself start by opening up the app and tap the “sign-up” button.
If I have children, how do I add them to my DrOwl account?
Adding dependents to your DrOwl account is easy. Go to your DrOwl homepage on the app, and then:
If you are adding more than one child, even if they are at different schools, follow the steps noted above to add each of your dependents.
How do I check-in/screen myself on the DrOwl app?
To check-in from the DrOwl app:
Temperature readings can be logged as well. It’s that easy.
How do parent’s check-in their students on DrOwl?
To check-in a dependent, the parent would start by going to the DrOwl homepage, and then:
The parent would then go through the same check-in process as that they would do to check themselves in.
If they are checking in more than one dependent, they would follow the steps above for each child that they are checking in. They will need to add each of their individual dependents to their account before they can check them in.
If they have students in different schools, they would simply choose the location that they are checking into for each child as they more through the check-in process for each one.