Your personal medical records are crucial to continued health and wellness. For members of the military, certain programs manage healthcare, as well as maintain medical information pertaining to wellness exams, diagnostic testing, surgical treatments, and more.

If you’re a military member, you may receive medical services through TRICARE. You can also request your medical information through this program, and DrOwl can provide information on how to proceed.


TRICARE is a healthcare program designed for the military. It covers active and retired military members and their families, as well as members of the National Guard and their loved ones.

Many medical providers work under the TRICARE umbrella. In addition to medical providers associated with the military, the network also includes civilian providers, such as doctor’s offices, hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies.

How Can a Person Get Their Medical Records From TRICARE?

For individuals who receive medical services from military healthcare facilities, information can be accessed via the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal. To receive your information, you must complete and submit a Request Pertaining to Military Records (SF 180) form. You can also visit healthcare facilities directly to make your request.

In the event you receive treatment through a civilian provider, you must contact that hospital or clinic to request medical records. You should be able to access information digitally, otherwise you can request paper documents of your healthcare record.

How Can You Keep Medical Information Organized and Accessible?

Many military members see lots of different medical practitioners when in need of healthcare. Accordingly, medical information is generated from lots of different entities, which can be hard to keep organized.

With the DrOwl telehealth app, you can store all your medical information in one convenient place. Your entire healthcare history will be accessible via your mobile device. You can also share information with doctors, specialists, and caregivers as needed. And because this telemedicine app is fully HIPAA-compliant, you know your healthcare information will remain safe and secure.

Do you have questions about the DrOwl app and how it works? Then feel free to contact us for more information. You can also review our patient portal to see the many great benefits that digital records storage offers.