Consisting of numerous medical providers and practitioners, LifePoint Health offers a range of medical services to patients. Individuals throughout the nation can rely on LifePoint Health for both primary and specialty medical services, as well as acute care, which provides comprehensive short-term treatment for illnesses and injuries.
Patients who received healthcare services within the LifePoint Health network must consult with the specific hospital or clinic that provided care in order to access their medical records. While the exact process can vary according to the provider, you will probably need to take one or more of the following steps:
While it can depend on the state you’re living in, most providers are obligated to return a copy of medical records within 30 to 60 days of receiving the request. People other than the patient can request medical records, but only if they are the parent or guardian of the person, or if they have written permission (which is often the case with caregivers).
The above process is effective, but not very timely or convenient. Waiting a month or longer to receive medical information can delay treatment, which may pose a risk to a person’s health when it comes to serious conditions. And even in cases that aren’t time sensitive, it’s simply a hassle to perform the above steps to access information that all people have a right to.
Simplified access to medical records benefits patients, but it also helps doctors provide accurate, effective care. By having continuous access to healthcare information, patients can ask questions and get involved in the treatment they’re receiving. They can also identify errors and have them corrected swiftly, before their health is affected.
Digital access to medical records is quickly becoming the norm, and for good reason. Providing access to personal healthcare information via a mobile device removes the need for request forms and letters, which create more work for medical offices. Additionally, patients are more likely to be proactive about their health and wellness when they can access their records as they see fit.
For simplified digital access to your complete healthcare history, DrOwl has you covered. Our innovative telemedicine app is compatible with thousands of healthcare providers, including those within the LifePoint Health system, and lets patients store and access medical records as they’re generated. DrOwl also provides access to healthcare resources to help you better understand medical conditions, medications, and more.